Do you think if we left dolphins in a tank with copious amounts of food they wouldn’t get fat?... There is a reason why they have scheduled meal times with good quality sources….
I guarantee you that if we did a study on 10 obese humans and scheduled there eating times we would see a reduction in fat and most likely see obesity fade right away…
So here is the problem…
In the past we had to work a little harder for our food and processed foods where not as common as they are now… In the present we can buy just about anything in the freezer section of Coles and Woolworths… and I mean anything! I saw a frozen burger in a box last week! And food is so readily available that we can sit in bed… order anything… and in a few minutes our doorbell rings and our meal is here…. We literally only had to take 10 steps to the door and now we can consume a meal 1000cals plus! Do you see the issue here?
Now let’s take it back to the cave man days…
No shops, no food storage technology and certainly no Uber eats… Cavemen would burn 10,000cals to chase down an animal and kill it before carrying it back home, to then make a fire and cook it before eating it!
Let me simplify this into common day knowledge…
- Today: Burn 50 calories to eat whatever you want and as much as you want (high Fat/Carb)
- Cavemen: Burn a shit load to eat very little (mostly protein and nutrients)
See the difference?
Obesity is on the rise due to food being readily available and overly processed. The reason we’re an overweight nation is due to our poor decision making and hey, I’m not saying it’s just the individuals fault… confectionary companies marketing teams do make it easy to say no! We put confronting images on cigarette packs, age restrictions on alcohol but we make the confectionary isle in our local supermarket look like fucking Disneyland!
In short obesity is due to convenience and poor quality… so now we can recognise that,
let’s put an end to marketing companies and convenience influencing our decision… let’s walk more, eat natural products and eat ‘unhealthy’ or processed foods 25% of the time… after all who doesn’t love a good donut!
For personalised meal plans or macro allocation and education click here to contact Evolve Health and Performance.