Leave your push workout out of the mix this week and try and survive this one!
A1 3x6 DB Chest Press (2210)
B1 3x6 DB Deg Chest Press (3210)
C1 3x15 DB Chest Press to Fly (3210)
C2 3x20 DB Side Lateral Raises (Fast Pace)
D1 4x12 Side Lateral Raises (Moderate Pace)
D2 4x12 Cable Face Pulls (2210)
D3 4x8 Side Lateral Raises (Slow Pace) Maintain D1 Weight
E1 2x10 Kettle Bell Uni Lateral SkullCrushes (2210)
E2 3x10 Tricep Rope Extensions (Fast Pace)
Good luck! and if you don't look like Arnie in this photo then you don't train hard enough!
Contact me for a personalised training program and lets take your physique to the next level.